Their sheep come highly rec­om­mended

We have just a few sheep now and we needed a ram for our sheep, and a com­pan­ion for my  26-year-old horse Mr Softy, so we thought we would get a Dorset Down as they are good look­ing rare breeds with a good tem­pera­ment that lamb eas­ily, we decided to look on the com­puter and found Horace, one of John and Jill Swain young rams when we vis­ited the Gilling­ham and Shaftes­bury Show. The next day Horace was there with John and Jill, such a lovely knowl­edge­able cou­ple. We fell in love with Horace at first sight!

Horace arrived home that evening and set­tled in quickly, He had been well han­dled by John and Jill and was quiet and easy to lead, and on meet­ing Mr Softy they have become the best of friends. We have found John and Jill very help­ful and have now acquired another sheep, Emily from them, she is beau­ti­ful and again well han­dled and very friendly. Young Horace is now run­ning with the ewes and has marked nearly all of them within a week.

If you are look­ing for Dorset Down Sheep we rec­om­mend John and Jill Swain, their Dorset Down flock are a credit to them they are very suc­cess­ful in the show ring. We would not hes­i­tate to buy more sheep from John and Jill Swain: their sheep come highly rec­om­mended from us.

Best of luck and keep on sheep farm­ing please!

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