Jill has become our shepherding guru

Hav­ing tried our hand at look­ing after some generic “farm sheep” that we adopted from a local farmer, we decided to try a rare breed. After some inves­ti­ga­tion decided that the Dorset Downs were the ladies for us. With their strik­ing good looks, placid and friendly tem­pera­ment, and great par­ent­ing skills, they were our per­fect choice. So we set about look­ing for a breeder to help us.

At the Berk­shire Coun­try Show in New­bury we met up with John and Jill Swain who were mid get­ting a few rosette’s at the time. What a lovely cou­ple! From the very first moment we met they couldn’t have been any more help­ful. Since our first meet­ing Jill has held our hand and led us gen­tly into the world of the Dorset Down and through our first lamb­ing sea­son. Always there with help­ful hints, advice and tips. She has become our Shep­herd­ing guru. With the help of Jill and John we came through unscathed and more impor­tantly so did our sheep.

So if you’re won­der­ing about which sheep, I whole­heart­edly rec­om­mend the Dorset Downs, and should you decide to go that route, I can def­i­nitely say that there’s nobody bet­ter than Jill and John to sup­port you!

Good luck and happy shep­herd­ing!

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