Could not have been more helpful and accommodating

We already have a very small flock of Dorset Down sheep and wanted to add to it so we con­tacted Jill when we learnt she had a ram for sale. Jill could not have been more help­ful and accom­mo­dat­ing. We went to see the ram lambs on offer and fell in love with the qual­ity and wel­fare aspect of Jills flock and ended up buy­ing 5 sheep which on their own would have been a fab­u­lous starter flock. The ones we pur­chased will add sub­stan­tially to our own flock but more impor­tantly, will raise the qual­ity of our flock going for­ward. We can’t thank Jill (and John) enough for their hos­pi­tal­ity as well as Jill being forth­right, hon­est and giv­ing us guid­ance on sheep han­dling. All the sheep have set­tled in extremely well and all are friendly and enjoy being made a fuss of which is what we require with small grand­chil­dren and also for showing.

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